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September 14, 2011 - On Judy's birthday so we took advantage of the promotion offered by the Catalina Express and spent her birthday on the island. We knew that there was more to see after our first trip June 22nd.
After a quick lunch on the pier, we set off for a walking tour of the Casino Building. We stopped in the Catalina Museum before the tour to catch their current exhibit of Marilyn Monroe, "Before She Was Marilyn."
This is the main entrance to the Casino Building.
And these are pictures of the theater on the first floor.
These are of the main ballroom located on the top floor.
These were taken from the outside balcony that surrounds the ballroom.
After the tour, we rented a golf cart and drove through the hills overlooking the city of Avalon.
Then we stopped in at a Von's Supermarket, picked up some ham and Swiss cheese for a snack, and hopped aboard the Catalina Express for our return to Long Beach. It was a special day and the weather was very accommodating. |
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