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May 12, 2023 - Friday - Judy and I made a short trip today to visit the Edward-Dean Museum in Cherry Valley, CA. This beautiful building was built in 1957 and the museum opened its doors in 1958. The museum features late 16th to early 19th century European & Asian Decorative Arts. Their latest exhibit is called "#Illusions: The Art of Selfies." It's a small exhibit, but the younger crowd could spend all day taking selfies with the imaginative back drops.
This example is about perspective. There are two wooden objects, painted green, on the floor separated about eight feet from each other.
If you stand at the correct distance from the two, you get this. It looks like a small Judy standing on a big chair.
It was pretty silly, but fun.
Before the museum we had brunch at Clarkie's Diner in Yucaipa.
Judy had their pecan-blueberry waffle, that was delicious.
I had their California scrambler with bacon, jack cheese and mashed avocado.
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