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April 6, 2019 - Saturday - We were in Santa Ana, CA today to visit the Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle House and Medical Museum. The Howe-Waffle House was built in 1889 by Alvin and Willella Howe, both prominent Orange County physicians. The house features two-and-a-half stories and twelve rooms. It took two years to complete and cost $3,000 at the time. Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle was one of Orange County's first woman doctors. Alvin and Willella moved in with their two young daughters in 1889. Shortly thereafter, Dr. Alvin Howe was accused by Orange County's first Grand Jury of performing an abortion on a local woman. He was acquitted, but he decided to leave town for San Francisco, rather than face the dishonor such a charge would bring him. After divorcing Dr. Howe in 1897, Willella married Edson Waffle, a prominent livery stable owner and rancher, and thus she became known as Dr. Howe-Waffle. She later divorced Mr. Waffle, apparently because of their class differences, he being a rancher and she a doctor.
There is a gazebo and a carriage house in the rear of the property.
Since the house is only open for tours six times a year, the local historical society puts on a good show for tours. The docents are in period costume and one plays the role of Dr. Willella Howe-Waffle. Everything was very scripted and the time passed quickly.
The entire house is built of redwood, including this fabulous staircase. Our tour guide April is on the right.
This was the doctor's examining room.
Unfortunately our group included about 20 guests, so it got a little crowded.
This is the master bedroom. The door leads to a small balcony where Willella could survey her back yard.
This built-in set of drawers was in another bedroom.
Even the door hinges have character.
It was a great tour. The woman who played Willella is in the center, our tour guide April is on the right, and a third docent is on the left.
Since we were in Santa Ana, we stopped at Norm's Restaurant for breakfast before the museum tour.
I had their French toast combo with eggs and sausage.
Judy went for the waffles combo with bacon, sausage and eggs.
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