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November 2, 2023 - Thursday - Today we were in Ontario, CA to visit the Ontario Museum of History and Art. Their latest exhibit is called Día de los Muertos: Recuerdos de Sabores. The English translation is "Day of the Dead: Memories of Flavors." This is the 25th anniversary of the Día de Los Muertos exhibition at the Museum. To continue the Museum’s longstanding tradition, artists were invited to explore flavorful food memories of those people who continue to have a special place in their heart.
I think this person was a big In-N-Out fan.
In Mexican culture, it is believed that you die three times. The first time is the physical part, the second is when they bury you, and the third is when you’re forgotten. The Day of the Dead celebration is to make sure that deceased relatives and friends are not forgotten and therefore will not die a third time.
Before the Museum, we had lunch in Chino at Cannataro's.
Today I chose the Lasagna.
Judy's hooked on their Chicken Piccata.
The food was great and the museum exhibit was a real treat. |
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