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December 22, 2020 - Tuesday - Today we were back in Pomona, CA to see more homes in the Lincoln Park Historic District. In addition to bungalows and Craftsman style homes, today we also saw some homes that are called National Folk style homes. National Folk is a style of construction that was most common in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. This style of home was typically built along railroad lines. Builders were no longer limited to local resources, as sawmills were able to move their materials in bulk via the railroad. The Southern Pacific Railroad line came to Pomona in 1874, which explains some of the National Folk homes along North Bradford Street.
This home shown below is a 1909 National Folk home with a hipped roof and one small gabled dormer.
The windows are all different here. This one has eight panes over one.
This door and custom chairs are striking.
After our tour, we had lunch at In-N-Out Burgers in nearby Claremont. Once again it was Double-Doubles and fries.
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